class file 4 « class file « Java I/O Q&A

1. How can I split a class into 2 files?

I converted a C++ program to Java recently and it works fine, but I ran into a problem. One file is very large and I need to add more functionality. Unlike with C++ where you can just put new functions in another file, I don't see a way to do it in Java. I made another file, and therefore another class, ...

3. How to create a .java file with multiple classes

In Client.Java On compiling the Client.Java I get errors Import somepackag.*; Class Samp extents A { void Method1() { } } Public class Client { A a1 =new Samp(); //error undeclared class A B b1 = new B1();//error undeclared class B C c1 = new C1();//error undeclared class C } is it possible to have all the class declared in one ...

4. Lack of class file CharToByte

Hi, I am quite unfamiliar with the JAVA Runtime Environment, so please excuse me if I am posing an awkward question. I am having problems with diacritic printing from an application that uses the JAVA Runtime Environment and, it seems that it could be related with the application character encoding, which is ISO 8859-1 and, I noticed that there is no ...

5. Replacing an .class file under execution

Hello, My piece of java code is required to replace a set of .class files as part of an update process. The problem is that the .class files to be replaced might be under execution - (at times it may be even required that the class file replace itself) Any suggestion would be of great help... Thanks in advance Edited by: ...

6. Truncated class file !

Hi folks, I've got a peculiar problem here ... I've got this Java code (that uses an external jar) that compiles fine. But whenever I try to run the code it gives me a truncated class file error. And I am getting this error only in Solaris and not in Windows !!! Following is the trace that I am getting: at ...

7. Class extends File

I would like to add additional methods with new logic that does not exist in FIle class. That is one of the ideas behind inhertiance? Take and existing one and enchance it. I would like NewFile to do exactly the same as File does, plus something new. Is there a way to cast File to NewFile?

8. More than one class in a single file

Hi, I am having two classes in one file. One is public and another one is internal. I am calling the internal class methods in some other files. If I compile the files(where I am calling the internal class methods) alone , I am getting compilation errors, If I compile whole package , I am not getting compilation errors. What is ...

9. Calling repaint from other Class file.

public boolean action(Event e, Object arg) { .... return true; } } So what i want to do is: In class Tank in the public class myWindow in the method action, i want to call the repaint() of the class myApplet I hope my problem is clear to you, as you may have noticed i have a little trouble explaining it ...

11. trying to generate log file through a simple java class.. file++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, FILE # FILE is set to be a FileAppender which outputs to a file. log4j.appender.FILE=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender # IMPORTANT: Change the location of the log file. log4j.appender.FILE.File=D:\\Logs testLog.log log4j.appender.FILE.Append=True log4j.appender.FILE.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.FILE.layout.ConversionPattern=%-5p %d %-25c - %m%n # This will prenvent logs with a priority less than ERROR to be logged to the file log4j.appender.FILE.Threshold=DEBUG log4j.appender.FILE.MaxFileSize=10MB # Keep 20 backup files log4j.appender.FILE.MaxBackupIndex=20 ...

14. Strange Behaviour in File class

Have you tried using Unicode escapes as I suggested? If you use the actual characters, you have to save the .java file in an encoding that supports those characters. Otherwise, they'll get converted to garbage characters when you save the file. If you use Unicode escapes, you don't have to worry about the encoding; that's what they're for.

15. how to integrate a .SWF file into java class

hello! I have developpe an animation with flash. before give it to othe person in order to use it, i would like to secure it by integrated a security module inside the software. Because, i am a java developper, i have choose Netbeans 6.1 to secure it. do you know how can i do to integrate my animation .swf inside my ...

16. How does one keep track of classes, java files, methods, etc?

I have no idea how one is suppose to use pre-made java files which one has downloaded from others' websites. For example How does one keep track of java files with multiple and circular dependencies? If one wants to test a particular method of a particular class, does one open just the one java file? Or all java files which ...

17. referencing a class file in html

18. Question about File class - I'm stumped!

Nevermind then, there's a lot of excess code and it's so hard trimming through it all... I've already told you guys what the problem is, the File class is converting the path name to something with " " instead of "\" or "/" and I think that's causing it to trip up... Anyways, thanks

19. File class

Dear Sun forum users, I am creating a program in which utilizes the File class through a constructor. Basically I am to take in the file of type File as a parameter, and then I am to use the actual file for processing. Now, as far as I have heard, the file represented by type File is only a filepath for ...

20. Creating a HTML file in a java class

21. View class files

If I have a vector, Vector v = new Vector(); and if I click the link for Vector from my IDE, I go to the vector class. Like wise, if I click 'HttpServletRequest' , I dont get to see that class in my ide. For that, what should I do in netbeans and in MyEclipse. Regards, Anees

22. File class ...howto obtain "owner of a file"

for (String fileName : args) { out.format("%n------%nnew File(%s)%n", fileName); File f = new File(fileName); out.format("toString(): %s%n", f); out.format("exists(): %b%n", f.exists()); out.format("lastModified(): %tc%n", f.lastModified()); out.format("isFile(): %b%n", f.isFile()); out.format("isDirectory(): %b%n", f.isDirectory()); out.format("isHidden(): %b%n", f.isHidden()); out.format("canRead(): %b%n", f.canRead()); out.format("canWrite(): %b%n", f.canWrite()); out.format("canExecute(): %b%n", f.canExecute()); out.format("isAbsolute(): %b%n", f.isAbsolute()); out.format("length(): %d%n", f.length()); out.format("getName(): %s%n", f.getName()); out.format("getPath(): %s%n", f.getPath()); out.format("getAbsolutePath(): %s%n", f.getAbsolutePath()); out.format("getCanonicalPath(): %s%n", f.getCanonicalPath()); out.format("getParent(): %s%n", ...

23. How to Ofuscate my class file?

24. Eclopse generate not .class files

25. java.lang.ClassFormatError: Truncated class file

I also try to upgrade castor to latest version i.e castor1.2-xml.jar with jdk 1.6 and this time it gives me error Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassFormatError: Truncated class file at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method) at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass( at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass( at$Loader.findClass(GenerateClass.j ava:273) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( at org.exolab.castor.mapping.loader.Types.typeFromName( at org.exolab.castor.mapping.loader.AbstractMappingLoader.resolveType(Ab at org.exolab.castor.xml.XMLMappingLoader.createClassDescriptor(XMLMappi at org.exolab.castor.mapping.loader.AbstractMappingLoader.createClassDes criptors( at org.exolab.castor.xml.XMLMappingLoader.loadMapping(XMLMappingLoader.j ava:156) at org.castor.mapping.MappingUnmarshaller.getMappingLoader(MappingUnmars at ...

26. which class to use to split file into different volume?

Hi everyone, I need some help here. i am implementing a UDP client to transfer file using a UDP protocol. I know that the java zip class can be used to compress the file. But if my file is big, ie. 6mb, what class can i use to split it to many volume before sending it. Manythanks, Bryan

27. Open the Rectangle class program file

28. .Class file not updating

29. java.lang.ClassFormatError: Invalid field attribute index 0 in class file

Hi: I see the above error during my program runtime and I am not sure whats causing it. I looked up the error code and noticed that it might be caused due to corrupted class file. Now the error seems to be appearing from a $1 class file. i.e, say, the java code is in a file called, then i ...

30. Creating class file to pare displayName

31. Get java to recognize class files that will be included together? I get the same no symbol error here as I do with my own code. It tells me NewFrame does not exist, even though I instantiated it in the main method. In my own code, I have a button that on click starts the same method as "UseInstanceMethods()", but I did not think it necessary to add that considering this ...

32. Parsing "~" in the File class

33. pushing attributes from one class to another in seperate java files

Hi there, I have run in to a little trouble which should be quite simple I have 2 java files: one that loads the data, the second that displays data in a jframe how can I pass the data from one to another? in file public class ReadXML { public ReadXML() { init(); // Reads in the data from XML ...

34. Breaking Down Classes Into Files

I'd like to know what's considered best practice when dividing multiple classes into seperate files. I know you can have only one public class per file, and I've heard some people say it's best to have one class per file, period. But the one-class-per-file rule seems overly strict. To give a specific example, I have a class which manages event handlers ...

35. usage of keyword static at different places in a Java Class File

Hi i am Raj, i just wanted to know where all i can use keyword "static" and what does tht usage mean? For example, what do you mean when you declare a class static, what do you mean when you declare a method static, what do you mean when you declare a variable static. could anyone comeup with clear explanation on ...

36. using bcel to modify .class file

i want to modfiy all the methods in a class so that when they returns the will print a message. a part of the code is shown below String mesg = "Hello from " + Utility.methodSignatureToString(m.getSignature(), name, Utility.accessToString(flags)); InstructionList patch = new InstructionList(); patch.append(new GETSTATIC(out)); patch.append(new PUSH(cp, mesg)); patch.append(new INVOKEVIRTUAL(println)); MethodGen mg = new MethodGen(m, class_name, cp); InstructionList il = mg.getInstructionList(); ...

37. File class

38. How to use Java class files in a project

39. class.forName is caching the class file?

Yes, once you load a class (which is what Class.forName does) it stays loaded until it has no references, at which time the garbage collector can unload it. But if you use the system classloader to load it (which is what you are doing), then the system classloader keeps a reference to it, so it can never be unloaded. Basically if ...

40. running a class file

41. Class object from file

That's because there is no package included. It also won't work for any class file that is the result of an anonymous class declaration (they will have the public classname with a $1, $2, etc). Also, since it comes from a JFileChooser, you may wish to check that it is actually a classfile first, and that it ends with .class and ...

42. A confusion between single class files versus multiple class files...

Hey all. Was wondering if there were more knowledgeable people amongst the crowd that could answer this question. I get all the business about multiple classes versus single classes etc... What I don't know is which is better to use??? For instance. I have written an app that has no class nesting and re-written that app in such a way that ...

43. Using classes in other files

44. Contents of Class File in java ! ! !

Yeah. The line numbers are good so that if an exception is thrown, you can look at the stack trace, and see which lines of the source code correspond to the frames in the stack trace. Normally, compilation would remove that info. I seem to dimly recall reading that the debug info could include method names of inlined methods, but I ...

45. Create Executeable File From .class

46. class file or object code ??

Hi, I made a package call pckage1 and my main class file inside package1 folder. At the biggining I also wrote package package1; Now, it's compile well, but when I tried to run main file it gives following error C:\j2sdk1.4.1_07\bin>javac package1\ C:\j2sdk1.4.1_07\bin>java package1\testListDriver Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: package1\testListD river (wrong name: package1/testListDriver) at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method) at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass( at 3) ...

47. Removing anonymous class from a file filter.

48. Class files problem

49. Class File hard disk space method s

50. what is my_class$.class file

51. detemining .java and .class files

you have been given two files. one .java file and other .class file. Their extensions are been removed. Without modifing their names you have to determine which one is .java file and which one is .class file. You have been given command prompt only. So using some commands you have to determine which file is .java and which one is .class ...

52. Updated Class files not generated

Hi , I am using Eclipse SDK Version: 3.2.2 and have configured with my project and weblogic server. When the application is running in debug mode if necessary making some fix and when i use ctrl+b the new class file should be generated and immediately the application should refer to the new class file without expecting to restart the weblogic server. ...

53. Launching a class file from another class file

I have been charged with integrating a custom class file with some additional features for one of our customers. Rather than rip apart the original class file, adding the features and recompiling, my thought was to create a "wrapper" class file which fulfilled the additional features and 'call' the other class file as one would call a batch file from inside ...

54. Is .class file contains comment statement

55. How to find the main java class file

I need to write a Java program which MUST know one of these: 1) the full path to the main java class (the class with "main" method) or 2) access to the main class as byte array. If i know (1) then I have no problems reading the main class into byte array, but the main target is still (2). Another ...

56. Using variables from my custom class file in my main class file

Hi everyone, I am currently learning about creating my own class files. I was wondering if there is a way to create a variable in one class file, and use that variable in my main class file without having to declare that variable in my main class first. For example public class CustomClass { public int someNumer = 0; public void ...

57. Watermarking java class files.

Well, I searched all over the internet, but I didn't find even one resource on how to watermark java classes. The idea is, to watermark a java class with some information such as a username. If the user circulates the java class, the watermark would make the oroginal user easily identifiable. Or is there another way of doing this without watermarking? ...

58. Class file selectively not found

59. File class authentication.

jdk ( does not need any authentication information. Unless you're only going to be using 'GUEST' or 'null' credentials you will always need credentials to be entered regardless of what type of application you're using wheather it be Java, .NET, or whatever. It's just a matter of when you supply the credentials. Windows is nice because you can enter the credentials, ...

60. Retrieve an object from a file after the class struture changed

Hi, Suppose there is a class MyClass, following is the structure... class MyClass { int j; public void doIt(){ } } Public class Test { Public static void main(String args[]){ 1. Create the object of MyClass 2. Set the value of j = 10; 3. Write the object in a file named DataFile.dat } } Now insert one more ...

61. Running a .class file from a java program

62. Problem in upload file using oreilly classes

"); while (files.hasMoreElements()) { String name = (String)files.nextElement(); String filename = multi.getFilesystemName(name); String type = multi.getContentType(name); File f = multi.getFile(name); out.println("name: " + name); out.println("filename: " + filename); out.println("type: " + type); if (f != null) { out.println("f.toString(): " + f.toString()); out.println("f.getName(): " + f.getName()); out.println("f.exists(): " + f.exists()); out.println("f.length(): " + f.length()); out.println(); } out.println("

63. Truncated Class File problem in JRE 1.5

What i did is i compile the source code in my windows box using jdk1.4 but currently our development environment was upgraded to Solaris 10 ( JDK 1.5 ) I always transfer the class file using winscp / ftp program by setting the mode to BINARY so i dont think its the ftp transferring s/w issue. I know this is a ...

64. How to use FilePermission class to change the file permission in Linux

Hi all, I'm running in a issue related to changing the file permission under Linux environment. I'm using Suse 10.0 Linux and run jdk 1.5 java runtime. I want to create a file during execution time and change the permission of the same. I use File.createNewFile() API to create file. By default it does not have all the 3 permission (read,write,execute) ...

66. Class file comparison

Instead can you comeup with a logic to compare the last updated dates of the classfiles and the files in CVS. By the way if you do a complete build in order to check for missing files. You can just tell the developers to not to put class files in the production environment and ask them to only put the file ...

67. Class file comparison

Hi Friends, Can anybody help me on an urgent matter? Thanks in advance. As a part of configuration management, I would like to do a comparison b/w the java files we keep in CVS with the class files in production. I just wanted to make sure whether the cvs has been updated with the latest modified java file (people some times ...

68. running a class file

Hey all, I'm having a class file i want to run it inside my java program. for that purpose i have written a code like below: Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); Process child = rt.exec("java c: MyFirstProgram"); InputStream in =child.getInputStream(); InputStream err = child.getErrorStream(); int c1=0; PrintWriter localOut=null; System.out.println(; // here it prints -1 i dont know why pls help while (( ...

69. Class files

70. Saving a Class Object to file

a serialized class object is not the same as a .class file. The serialize Class contains only the data (fields) for that object - the jvm already has the bytecode (methods) from the jre. A .class file is generated by the compiler and contains field defintions, method byte code etc. The .class file is the definition of a class, the serialized ...

71. using File class

72. Hoe to use the File class

74. Parse .class files in runtime - how?

75. renameTo() method in File.class

Most certainly there may be a lot more ways. All I want to know does the renameTo() method works more faster than the normal stram based copying[which includes creating InputStream and OutputStream] which looks ugly[catching FileNotFoundException,IOException etc]. Well don't take the "ugly" word otherwise, this just waht I think. I have learned that if FileChannel s are used it, it can ...

77. Get .java file from .class file